The Research oriented Monthly Magazine DEMOGRAPHICS International is going to be published by an most Educated and Professional team of galaxy Pakistanies as well as international figures with high profile of qualification with PhDs. Our aim is to discuss Solutions not simply Problems. The team and editorial board are committed to raise the journalistic and ethical standards with strong focus on professionalism, research based facts and figures, journalistic laws and ethics. Our aim will not only be to suggest workable solutions to the highlighted prevailing social issues and concerns of media towards society but to address the concerns of the society towards media. This magazine will strictly exercise Zero Tolerance for Hatred, Negativity, Yellow Journalism and Harsh Criticism and aims to take all stake holders of the society on board who want to reform society and are torch bearers of positive changes in Pakistan in line with World scenario.
Introductory Messages
Founder Patron In Chief
Prof. Dr. Mughees Uddin Sheikh
PhD Communication Studeis, Lowa State University, USA
Former Dean Social & Behavioural Sciences Director ICS(PU)
Dean School of Media & Communication Studies,
University of Central Punjab, Lahore
A nexus between practical journalism and academic research is much needed at this time to comprehend the prevailing issues and problems as well as to suggest the solutions. Demographics International magazine aims to open up unique and extensive knowledge and information in media industry. The team is composed of research scholars and professionals with extensive exposure to the research and professional practices in the field of media communication. This amalgamation of research scholars and professional journalists will definitely bring revolutionary changes in the traditional journalistic practices. This magazine will not only play its role in promoting fair and research based journalism but will also contribute towards the advancement of researches by publishing a broader range of educational, social and informative editorials. The future journalists will find this platform useful to harness their skills and to excel in the field of journalism.
Executive Editor
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ehsan Malik
PhD Leicester University Management Center(LUMC)
Member Editorial Board South Asian Journal of Management
Former Dean, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Punjab University
Director , Institute of Business Administration ( IBA ), University of the Punjab, Lahore
Controller of Examinations University of the Punjab, Lahore
Former Director General Punjab University
There is always a room for improvement in any field concerned with society directly or indirectly. Demographics International Magazine of (DIM) itself is a comprehensive nomenclature to address solutions of the issues in different segments prevailing in the society.
Near me things are easy to say but very difficult to come across with practically in a society where there is least existence of Principles, Ethics, Morality and Education for a very important pillar Journalism. To address and to focus on solutions to all walks of life from child to senior citizens is a very encouraging and appreciative decision to jump into by the magazine Demographics International (DIM).
To accept challenges in a very delicate, burning and nontraditional issues may cause disappointment and discouragement but I am confident that team of DIM enriched with PhDs research oriented personels would be conveniently meet the scenarios to go ahead. In fact, life has to go on and challenges as well but team like DIM always meant to come across with such or any type of hurdles to be faced. As per profile of DIM Team, one may say that this could be a new era and paradigm shift in the field of Journalism and will bring all skills in a holistic way to demographics school of values in a country like Pakistan. I wish DIM to be considered in the list of countries of high repute as far as Journalistic and Ethical standards are concerned.
Editor In Chief
Abid Hussain Sialvi
PhD Scholar (Media and Communication Studies)
Progressive Journalist & Educationist
25 year experiece of practicle journalism as reporter to Editor in Chief and as Director News and Current Affairs Sections in National, International and Local News Papers, Magazines and Eletronic Media Organizations. Moreover 20 years experience of Teaching Media and Communication subject in different Universities of Pakistan.
Journalism is considered as fourth pillar of society with primary purpose to work like a watch dog and try to ensure transparency in the working of other pillars. It is prime responsibility of the journalist to disseminate unbiased, accurate information. Media is most influential and malleable tool to affect the society as a whole in different segments within the social boundaries regarding their means of thinking and belief system. Unfortunately there is no established criterion to become a journalist. There is a large number of journalists working under the umbrella of various media houses without prerequisite qualification and professional journalistic training. This is an illegal, unethical, and even criminal act that thousands of people having not even Matriculation degree or having very low qualification with no journalistic training are working in the field of Journalism not only as Reporters but also as Bureau Chiefs, Resident Editors, Executive Editors and even Chief Editors. This is a very alarming and dreadful situation. The grave situation is even more lethargic regarding Local and Regional Media. DEMOGRAPHICS international magazine is intended to address such kind of journalistic issues along with political and socio-cultural dimension of the society in an holistic way. With the team of more than 50 PhD Doctors and Scholars we are committed to raise the standards of journalism. Let us join hands to bring a Revolutionary and Positive change in the field of Journalism for the betterment of Pakistan and Humanity.
Managing Editor
Shahbaz Aslam
PhD Scholar(Media & Commuinication Studies)
Senior Researcher & Blogger
“All things must be examined, debated, investigated without exception and without regard for anyone's feelings.” Denis Diderot
In this age of information and communication, the abundance of information and ease to access information caused “information overload”. This “information overload” often makes readers confused about the realistic and truthful information. This not only led to diffusion of false information but also blur the boundaries of truth and uncertainty. This situation direly demands to educate the readers and to make them media literate. The Demographics Magazine is aimed not only to share information but to make readers equip with the skills to process the information and to evaluate the right or wrong among the bulk of information. Our broader aim and vision is to build an information society empowered with critical thinking and decision making. Higher standard of journalistic practices will be ensured.
Resident Editor Iran
Fatima Shokri
Senior Journaist & Analyst
Contrary to past decades, the era we live in right now is one of information and news, which has effectively and significantly reduced demand for written reprints of news.
After the advent of social media and due to its availability to a majority of people, print media, and even video and audio media like television and radio, increasingly found themselves unable to compete as a vast wave of audiences turned to social media. Most prominent global journalists believe that what threatens the media today is the prevalence of fake news in social media. It can also be conceded, however, that a good portion of these news are true, just not in the way the reprinting source has chosen to report them.
Members of the media must act ever more intelligently in dealing with this phenomenon and strive to invite the general public to use media outlets with clear identities in order to safeguard the original mandate of the media. Encouraging the people to use news sources that are not simply redistributors of news, but analyzers and solution seekers, can also certainly prove very effective.
Consulting Editors

Shahzada Irfan Ahmad
Shahzada Irfan Ahmed is a senior journalist and development communication specialist having a vast experience of working with local and international media organizations. He is a law graduate and a Masters in Political Science. He has availed several international fellowships and represented his country at different forums. In 2009, he was the Daniel Pearl Fellow and was placed in the newsroom of Houston Chronicle, Houston, Texas, US. He is also the fellow of Innovation in Journalism Programme launched at Stanford University, USA.

Dr Shahid Manzoor
PhD in Bioinformatics
Associate Professor in Bioinformatics/Bioinformatician at PUCIT - Punjab University College of Information Technology.
The first faculty member of University of the Punjab in this emerging field.
Worked as a postdoc researcher for more than one-year from 2015 to 2016 and
after that he worked as a guest researcher at the bio-energy research group till May
2018 at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. He also
worked as a guest researcher at the Omaha University USA.

Dr. Arshad Ali
Associate Proferssor at University of Gujrat
Centre for Media & Communication Studies
Journalist, Producer, Award winner writer

Tahir J. Malik
MPhil in Mass Commiuncation
Oklahoma State University, USA.
MA Journalism University of the Punjab, Lahore
Working as Media Teacher, Media Trainer, Author, Media Analyst and Columnist at National and International level. Worked as Editor in New York based news paper Pakistan Voice and Writing for another American news paper Pakistan Post. Have a significant command on International Relations, International Politics, Relationship between Muslim World and Western World. Takes part as an Analyst in current affairs programs of renowned National and International news channels.

Dr Naveed Iqbal Chaudhry
PhD in Management Sciences
from the University of Bedfordshire, UK.
Working as Associate Professor and Head at the Department of Business Administration,
University of the Punjab Gujranwala Campus.
He was working as a Senior Lecturer at the Lord Ashcroft International Business School,
Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, UK

Dr M Yousaf
PhD in Communication Studies
from Communication University of China
Author and Senior Researcher. He is the recipient of three Gold Medals in M.Sc.
Communication Studies from University of the Punjab, Lahore.
He regularly reviews research for several journals, including the Journal of
Economic and Administrative Sciences, Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies,
Journal of Media Studies & Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences.
Assistant Professor University of Gujrat
Former Research Officer at Institute of Communication Studies,University of the Punjab

Abid Rashid Sheikh
Executive Director
International Multi Group of Companies
USA | Dubai | Malaysia
Showbiz Editor

Muhammad Riaz
MSc Sports Science
International Wrestler, Champion University Grants Commission,
International Official United World Wrestling Organization,
General Secretary Punjab Wrestling Association,
Finance Secretary Pakistan Wrestling Association,
Assistant Director University of Central Punjab Lahore,
Director Sports Punjab Colleges Gujranwala

Dr. Macario G. Gayeta
Dr. Macario G. Gayeta PhD International Hospitality and Tourism Management EdD Educational Leadership & Administration Master of Arts in Education/English BA Mass Communication Senior Broadcast Journalist, Researcher, International Paper Reviewer in Communication, Education, Business & Tourism, Management, Historical Studies & ICT Education, Scientific Board of Editor, Turkey, Board of Editor, Sri Lanka, International Board of Editor, WCASET Indonesia & India, Conference Board of Advisory, Turkey & Iraq; & Special Editor

Dr. Froilan D Mobo
Associate Professor II, Assistant Director
Department of Research and Development
Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, Philippines
He is also a professor in the Graduate School, Columban College, Olongapo City. Award winner write, Vice President for Metro Subic Bay ICT Council.Dr. Mobo is currently enrolled for his second Doctorate for Philosophy in Development Education at the Central Luzon State University, Nueva Ecija.

Prof. Dr. Tariq Mehmood
International Research Scholar in Alternative Sciences,
Nutritionist, Medical Specialist Naturopath and Acupuncturist [Holystic Approach]
World Wide Correspondents
Stezhko Nadiia
Resident Editor Ukraine
Doctor of Economics Sciences,
Professor of International Economy Department

Azmat Gill
Resident Editor California-USA
Correspondent USA: Dunya News TV
Chief Editor: Weekly USA Urdu News USA

Sonia Sofia
Resident Editor Italy
Dyslexia Expert and Writer,
President Dislexian Association
Rome Italy

Fatima Shokri
Resident Editor Iran
Senior Journaist & Analyst

Mian Muhammad Aqib
Masters in Technology education from PU
MSc in sustainable planning and development from Blekinge University Sweden
Currently working in UAE Embassy as senior Advisor.
S.M. Irfan Tahir
Resident Editor England
Senior Columnist & Analyst
Bureau Chief Sahara Times
Correspondent WN TV Birmingham - UK
Rashid Khan
Resident Editor USA/Canada
PhD Scholar Media & Communication Studies
Senior Educationist & Journalist

Musa Warraich
Resident Editor Spain
Senior Journalist & Analyst
Ijaz Ahmad
Resident Editor London - UK
Senior Researcher & Journalist
Correspondent 92 News London
Staff Correspondent Nawa-e-Jang London
Editorial Board
Dr. Abdul Hameed
Senior Editor
PhD Ohio State University, USA
Former Chairman Department of Special Education(PU)
Department of Education/Special Needs Education
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Dr Ghulam Abbas
Editor Art and Culture Section
PhD Visual Culture
(Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi, India)
Member Progressive Writers Association of Pakistan
Associate Proferssor Gift University Gujranwala
Author, Analyst, Researcher

Ali Tahir Mughees
Editor English Section
PhD Scholar
(Media & Commuinication Studies)

Naseer Abbasi
Editor Health, CPEC and
Pak Afghan Affairs Sections
Worked as producer at News One
Worked as Sr producer currant affairs at Channel Five Tv News & Daily khabroon
Media Teacher at GIFT University
Worked as Sr producer /anchor at Din News
Producer / Anchor program rahe rast / Program North at Waqt News

Jaan Kashmiri
Editor Literary Section (Urdu)
Famous Poet & Auhtor

Saif Bhatti
Punjabi Poet
Author and Anchor Punjab Tv

Usman Saeed
Incharge Research Cell
PhD Scholar
(Media & Commuinication Studies)
Assistant Proferssor UMT

Abid Majeed
Deputy Editor
PhD Scholar
(Media & Commuinication Studies)
Former Editor Futureineye and Monthly Sadaqat Manchester & Pakistan

Nasir Ismail
Editor Analytical Section
Political and Historical Researcher & Analytical
Abdul Wakeel Malik
LSP Editor
Management & Behavioral Scientist & book Doctor

Syeda Kehkashan
Deputy managing Editor
Writer, Tv Anchor & Analyst

Arooj Baig
Editor Women Section
PhD Scholar
(Media & Commuinication Studies)
Content Writer (Eng & German)
Creative/ Article Writer
Former Editor
Women Times Magazine,
Research Associate
Midas (Pvt) Ltd. Ad Agency,
Creative Director
Elogous Ad Agency

Ribaha Imran
Incharge surveys Team
Tv-Anchor & Analyst

Kanwal Shehzadi
Editor Literary Section [English]
PhD Scholar English Literature TEFL [Dip]

Shahbaz Ali Sial
Incharge Investigation Cell

Suraiya Manzoor
Incharge NGO's Section
Imran Mughal
Marketing Manager

Fiza Sohail
Sub Editor
Univesity of Management and Technology Lahore

Muhammad Faysal Afzal
Joint Editor
( Author, Columnist, Anchor, Analyst)
Founder Chairman Green Journalism National Forum.
Group Editor DF Media Group.
Director Khaleej News Islamabad.
Worked with UNO-UK, BBC, Geo London.

Hafsa Hoorain
Sub Editor
Univesity of Management and Technology Lahore

Maira Mujahid
Sub Editor Showbiz

Sheheryar Farooq
Incharge IT Section

Sub Editor
Univesity of Management and Technology Lahore

Shazim Cheema
Sub Editor

Hammad Afzal
Marketing Manager

Malik Muhammad Ahmad
Univesity of Management and Technology Lahore

Muhammad Zeeshan Zafar Wattoo
Univesity of Management and Technology Lahore
Ch Muhammad Anwar Naro
(Advocate Supreme Court)
Muhammad Islam Bhatti
Advocate High Court
Sarfaraz Ahmad Virk
Advocate High Court
Shafeeq Ahmad Ansari
Advocate High Court
Art Designers
Sheheryar Farooq
IT Specialist
Minha Elahi
Graphic Designer
Ghulam Shabbir
Graphic Designer
Research Team
Aqsa Aslam
PhD Scholar